Laboratory Work

On this page you find information about the examination test Laboratory Work.

General information

Number of credits
  • Fail
  • Pass
How to work
To learn how to use client-side JavaScript.
Complete and present your solutions to the labs on this page to a teacher at a lab session. Each lab is about improving the user experience on a webpage by using client-side JavaScript.
Special lab session at the re-exam period in June and in August. Contact the course coordinator for more specific details.
Ask the teacher for help at the lab sessions.

Help, don't cheat!

The laboratory work is individual work.

It is OK to help each other. Examples of that:

  • help your friend to debug his code.
  • explain to your friend why his code doesn't work the way he thinks it works.
  • compare and discuss different solutions to a lab problem with your friend after both of you have solved the lab to figure out which solution is the best one.

It is NOT OK to cooperate in any way. Examples of that:

  • sit at the same computer and write code together with your friend.
  • sit at different computers and discuss and write the same code as your friend.
  • give code to/receive code from your friend.

You must write your own code! If you are unsure about what counts as helping and what counts as cheating, then simply work alone and ask only the teacher at the lab sessions for help.


In each lab you are given an HTML file. You may not change the HTML code written in that file, but feel free to write as much CSS and client-side JavaScript code you want and need to complete the lab.

Feel free to use whichever tools you want to complete the labs described below, but we recommend you to use Visual Studio Codeopen in new window.

Before you start working on the labs you are recommended to:


When the web browser executes the JavaScript statement debugger (you might need to have the console open in the web browser) it enters a debug mode in which you can inspect the values variables have, use step-by-step execution, etc.. Use that to debug your code when it doesn't work the way you want.

Practice on using Git!

You don't have to use Git in the Laboratory Work, but we recommend you to use it to practice on using it. So head over to GitHubopen in new window and create a repository for the labs in this course, and create one commit after each lab you have completed.

Lab 1: Generating a table of contents

The file lab-01-table-of-contents.html contains some of the information on Wikipedia's Jönköping University articleopen in new window. Your task is to write JavaScript code that generates a table of content for the document (i.e. a list with the title of all the headers). Download the HTML file and write your own JavaScript code directly in it.

Some DOM functionalities you might find helpful:

  • document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", aCallbackFunction) to tell the web browser to call aCallbackFunction when it is done parsing the HTML code.
  • Calling querySelector("aCSSSelector") on document or anHTMLElement to find the HTML element matching aCSSSelector.
  • Calling querySelectorAll("aCSSSelector") on document or anHTMLElement to find the HTML elements matching aCSSSelector.
  • anHTMLElement.innerText to read out/change what is written between the start and end tag of anHTMLElement.
  • document.createElement("tagName") to create a new HTML element of type tagName (e.g. ul).
  • anHTMLElement.appendChild(aChildElement) to add aChildElement to anHTMLElement.


Present your work to a teacher at one of the lab sessions. Be prepared to explain how your code works and to answer any question the teacher might have about it. When the teacher is satisfied with your presentation, he will approve you on the assignment Lab 1 Presentationopen in new window on Canvas, and you can upload your solution to the assignment Lab 1 Codeopen in new window.

Lab 2: A calculator

The file lab-02-calculator.html contains a form through which users should be able to enter two operands and one operation. Your task is to write JavaScript code that displays the result of the selected operation applied on the two entered operands.

Some DOM functionalities you might find helpful:

  • anHTMLElement.addEventListener("eventName", aCallbackFunction) to tell the web browser to call aCallbackFunction when the event eventName happens on anHTMLElement. You are probably especially interested in the input event (for <input>, <select>, ...) and the submit event (for <form>). For the submit event, also remember to use event.preventDefault().
  • anInputElement.value to read out/change the entered value in anInputElement.
  • aSelectElement.value to read out/change the value of the selected <option> in aSelectElement.


If the user has client-side JavaScript disabled the form should be submitted to the server (if you opened the file with the file protocol, the web browser will just display the same page again).

If the address bar in the web browser changes (a query string is added to the end of it) when you click on the submit button, then you have failed to properly call the event.preventDefault() method.


Present your work to a teacher at one of the lab sessions. Be prepared to explain how your code works and to answer any question the teacher might have about it. When the teacher is satisfied with your presentation, he will approve you on the assignment Lab 2 Presentationopen in new window on Canvas, and you can upload your solution to the assignment Lab 2 Codeopen in new window.

Lab 3: Validating input to forms

The file lab-03-form-validation.html contains a form users can use to enter information about a new account to be created. Your task is to write JavaScript code validating the data entered in the form when the user submits it according to the following validation rules:

  • The email field must contain the @ symbol.
  • The first password field must contain at least 8 characters.
  • The second password field must be equal to the first password field.

If something is wrong, display the error messages on the screen (in the HTML code using JavaScript; it is not OK to use the alert() function). Otherwise (if everything is valid), just let the form be submitted (so the server receives it, although in this case, no server exists).

Some DOM functionalities you might find helpful:

  • aString.length to get the number of characters in aString.
  • aString.includes(aSubString) to check if aString contains aSubString.


The form should be submitted if there are no validation errors. If you open the webpage using the file protocol, the web browser will simply reload the webpage when the form is submitted.


Present your work to a teacher at one of the lab sessions. Be prepared to explain how your code works and to answer any question the teacher might have about it. When the teacher is satisfied with your presentation, he will approve you on the assignment Lab 3 Presentationopen in new window on Canvas, and you can upload your solution to the assignment Lab 3 Codeopen in new window.

Lab 4: Tabs

The file lab-04-tabs.html contains three forms:

  • One form to create a new account.
  • One form to sign in to an existing account.
  • One form to subscribe to updates.

Although all three forms are useful, displaying all of them at the same time makes no sense since the user is only interested in using one of them at a time. Your task is to write JavaScript code that displays only one form at a time, and by clicking on links the user should be able to switch which form that is shown.

Some DOM functionalities you might find helpful:

  • anHTMLElement.classList to add/remove/toggle classes anHTMLElement has.


If the user has disabled client-side JavaScript in the web browser, all three forms should of course be displayed.


Present your work to a teacher at one of the lab sessions. Be prepared to explain how your code works and to answer any question the teacher might have about it. When the teacher is satisfied with your presentation, he will approve you on the assignment Lab 4 Presentationopen in new window on Canvas, and you can upload your solution to the assignment Lab 4 Codeopen in new window.